«Re-imagine our communities» international project coordinated by the municipality of Locri in the field of Europe for Citizens Measure 1.2 – Networks of twinned towns.

Re imagine our communities, is a thematic network project, developed amongst five European municipalities, who are willing to confront themselves on the themes of social-economic development and the creation of new tools for participation, for their respective citizens.
All the partner municipalities believe in the the fundamental role of international exchanges to unlock the potential and positive energies of their citizens. This will give the possibility the participants, to change their mental patterns and adapt themselves to the changes which are in due course on our planet.

The two-year pilot project 2012-2013, characterised by the realisation of five international events will be supported by Civitas Solis and forecast in Italy, Malta, Portugal and Greece. Events, targeted at the key actors in local development and useful to raise awareness amongst the general public, about the advantages of finding concrete solutions, to their problems at a European level.



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Associazione Civitas Solis

Associazione Civitas Solis